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电话: 13641502524
姓名: 王建川
Changzhou Shangjiaju Wood Industry Co.,LTD

  SJJ, which located in the laminate flooring centre-Henglin Town. covering an area of 70,000m2, with 20million RMB registered capital. From the inception of the company is focused on the high end in the floor and wooden industry research and development and manufacturing, commitment to pursue high quality life of people providing has the design lead, ecological and environmental protection, reliable quality wooden floor product. Now in addition to the good strong native design strength, has also

主要产品/业务: specializing in the manufacture and export of floor

Changzhou Shangjiaju Wood Industry Co.,LTD / 江苏 / North Industrial of Henglin Town ,Changzhou City Jiangsu Pro,Ch (213000) / 电话:13641502524

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